Eucalypts and Bees

Eucalypts are renowned for their profuse flowering, and production of nectar and pollen suitable for honey bees. Some durable eucalypts flower at times of year when pollen is in short supply, and therefore have significant potential to benefit bee populations in New Zealand.

We are monitoring the NZDFI trials to record the age when our different eucalypt species start to flower and have started monitoring the flowering time during the year.

More research is needed to fully identify the best species to support bee populations when other sources of pollen and nectar are scarce.


Honey bee feeding in E.cladocalyx

E.cladocalyx flowering profusely in March. 

Support from industry

Marlborough Gold, a local Marlborough honey company, has been a financial supporter of the NZDFI.

The NZDFI also has had links with 'Trees for Bees', a research and development project initiated by NZ Federated Farmers to encourage more planting of bee-friendly trees species on farms and in gardens throughout NZ.


Click here for a summary of flowering times of different eucalypt species.

Click here to see NZDFI project manager, Paul Millen, talking about the work of the NZDFI  and synergies with trees for bees initiatives, 2014 Trees for Bees conference, Eastwoodhill Arboretum, Gisborne.

Tui feeding on eucalypt nectar

Tui feeding on E globoidea nectar in November.


Honey bees foraging in E bosistoana in March.

E quadrangulata flowering in June.

E quadrangulata flowering in June.