Trial Site Name: Lissaman


Warwick Lissaman


“Trees are an important part of any farm, and woodlots are part of the tree component on this property. The species must be suited to the environment and in that sense Eucalyptus fit this particular environment.

Over and above the ‘fit’, what the DFI team are embarking on with the ground durable trial work and ‘trees for bees’ is very exciting, and may offer a diversification of land use which is truly sustainable in all facets.

I am very happy to be part of this project."

Warwick Lissaman


Richmond Brook Road; SEDDON, Marlborough

Trials established

  1. Species Demonstration trials (2013): E globoidea, E camaldulensis, E cladolcalyx, E macrorhyncha, E tricarpa

Latest activities and outputs

Release spraying, form pruning; preparation of 2015 planting sites.

Time Lapse Camera - watch those trees grow!

A time-lapse camera was set up at the Lissaman site in August 2013, before the site was planted. The camera took three photos every day for a year. So we can literally watch the trees grow! 

The photos show successful establishment, thanks in part to very effective spot-spraying. Over the first summer the thistles out-grow the trees, but by the end of the first year's growth, the crop is well-established and above the height of the surrounding grass. 


The time-lapse camera, August 2013

The time-lapse camera, August 2013

Photos of the Trial Site

Pegging the site for planting.

Pegging the site for planting.

Nine months after planting.

Nine months after planting.

21 months after planting.

21 months after planting.

Site description

Breach Oak is a 400ha sheep and beef farm. The trial is located on exposed north-westerly face. Whilst rainfall is low, the soils are wind-blown loess silts, poorly drained by nature and prone to tunnel erosion.

Site climate

Annual rainfall 400-1100mm average 620mm
Frost free days 214
Feb max temp 22° C
July min temp 1° C
Elevation 230m asl
Aspect North-westerly


Access to the site

The site is on private land. Contact Paul Millen for more details: