Trial Site Name: Marlborough Lines

Project Manager:

Geoff Hoare


“Marlborough Lines has been a supporter of the NZDFI from the outset. Very early on we recognised the potential to grow our own cross arm timber using the expertise available within the NZDFI. We decided to plant a 60 ha eucalypt forest using the preferred NZDFI eucalypt varieties. The forest includes three trial plots managed and measured by the NZDFI staff."

Geoff Hoare, Project manager, Marlborough Lines


Tapps Road, Wakamarina Valley, Marlborough

Trials established

  1. Species Demonstration trials (2011): E bosistoana, E globoidea, E quadrangulata

Latest activities and outputs

Photo gallery

Block after spraying regen pines and roller crushing June 2011

Block after spraying regen pines and roller crushing June 2011

Block 18 months following planting April 2013

Block 18 months following planting April 2013

Block four years following planting Jan 2015

Block four years following planting Jan 2015

Site description

The Tapps Road site is a previously harvested radiata pine block, reasonably steep but lying well to the sun and in an area well regarded for tree growth.

Site climate

Annual rainfall 2000 mm
Frost free days 241
Feb max temp 21° C
July min temp 1° C
Aspect North
Elevation m asl 175


Access to the trial

This trial is on private land. Contact Paul Millen for more information: