Trial Site Name: McNeill


Ben McNeill

7. Ben McNeill showing the portable mill he used to saw fence posts from 23 year old E. globoidea - Copy



Hawke's Bay farmer Ben McNeill is a forestry enthusiast, growing a wide range of species on his exposed, coastal Waimarama beef and sheep property.

Ben also mills his own timber using a small 'Alaska'-style sawmill, maximising the use of, for example, thinnings from older eucalyptus shelterbelts.

Ben hosted a NZDFI seminar in November 2015. The farm visit was followed by a series of evening presentations in Havelock North. Watch videos of these presentations


Waimarama, Hawke's Bay

Trials established

  1. Breeding Population/Progeny trial (2011): E quadrangulata
  2. Species Demonstration trials (2011): E bosistoana, E cameldulensis, E cladocalyx, E eugenoides, E longifolia, E machrorhyncha, E quadrangulata
  3. Breeding Population/Progeny trial (2012): E bosistoana, E cladocalyx

Photos of trial site

Recent drone flight at McNeill's (March 2019)

The weather station at McNeill's

The weather station at McNeill's

The trial sites after establishment

The scale of the trials

2011 demo trial in foreground and 2012 E. bosistoana opposite.

2011 demo trial in foreground and 2012 E. bosistoana opposite.

Four year-old E quadrangulata at McNeill's

Four year-old E quadrangulata at McNeill's

E.quadrangulata breeding population trial

E.quadrangulata at  three years

E quadrangulata after four years

E quadrangulata at four years

Maturing woodlot of E. microcorys at McNeill's

Maturing woodlot of E. microcorys at McNeill's

Logs ready for milling

E globoidea logs ready for milling

Ben McNeill sawing fance posts from 23 year old E. globoidea

Ben McNeill sawing fence posts from 23 year old E. globoidea

Site description

Ben McNeill's farm is an extensive, coastal Hawke's Bay property, with great views of Waimarama beaches; dramatic limestone outcrops and exposed ridges with a higher rainfall than much of the rest of southern Hawkes Bay.

Site climate

Annual rainfall 1061 mm
Frost free days 271
Feb max temp 22° C
July min temp 2° C
Aspect Northwest
Elevation m asl 280


Access to the site

These trials are on private land. Please contact Paul Millen (NZDFI project manager) for more information