New Zealand Dryland Forests Innovation (NZDFI) is a commercially-oriented research and development project. Our focus is on tree breeding, and our vision is to develop sustainable hardwood industries in a number of target regions. These industries will be based on forests of genetically improved durable eucalypts developed by NZDFI and suited to New Zealand’s dryland regions. 


Breeding durable hardwood

NZDFI's by-line is ‘Breeding durable heartwood’, with the Māori translation ‘Whakatipu taikākā mauroa’.

NZDFI's vision and goals reflect the whakataukī (proverb)- 'Ruia taitea, kia tū ko taikākā anake  - Clear the sapwood, leave the heartwood standing!'

Much of northern and north-eastern New Zealand has low and unpredictable rainfall: rainfall which is likely to become even less predictable as the impacts of climate change kick in. Farmers and forest owners in these regions need sustainable, economically viable land-use alternatives to complement traditional farming enterprises and radiata pine forestry.

NZDFI is breeding high-quality planting stock suitable for New Zealand's dryland regions.  The first generation of improved XyloGene plants became available in 2021 and demand for our planting stock is increasing. NZDFI is also developing forest management regimes for growers, and has identified and researched high-value national and international timber markets for our strong, durable timbers.

Our select eucalypt species are renowned for their adaptability to drought, are very fast-growing, and produce strong, naturally durable hardwood timber. This timber remains sound in outdoor conditions for many decades without chemical treatment.