The Big Picture: the NZDFI koru

The NZDFI koru encapsulates our long-term vision for sustainable hardwood forests and associated benefits in New Zealand.

It shows how, from small beginnings, our vision has evolved to encompass a huge range of economic, environmental and social gains for regional economies.

Our koru symbolises the new life, strength, and the perpetual growth of the NZDFI.  Our mission - to enable the development of sustainable hardwood industries, and to perpetuate that growth. We see durable hardwoods as a key element of New Zealand's new, multi-regional circular bio-economy.



The NZDFI koru (click to enlarge)

The NZDFI Vision

Our vision is that New Zealand will be home to a sustainable multi-regional hardwood industry based on 60,000 hectares of eucalypt forests grown in up to 12 wood-supply catchments by 2050. New Zealand will also be a world-leader in breeding ground-durable eucalypts.

Read more about our vision here

Potential wood supply catchments.

NZDFI Strategy 2020-2030

In 2019, following consultation with industry and other stakeholders, the NZDFI prepared a strategy looking forward to 2030.

For the full Strategy document, follow the link:

Durable Eucalypts: A Multi-Regional Opportunity for New Zealand’s Drylands

The Strategy includes an Executive Summary, outlining six key areas of activities:

  • Identifying markets for durable eucalypts
  • Modelling forest productivity and economic feasibility
  • Working regionally to encourage new forests
  • NZDFI's durable eucalypt forestry research plan
  • Educating growers on durable eucalypt forest management
  • Industry partnerships to build support and capability.

Now, in 2024, and with recent changes to forestry research funding priorities, the Strategy is due for a review. A revised Strategy will be prepared in due course.



NZDFI elite E. globoidea breeding trial.

Potential product - durable posts produced by a spindle-less lathe.