See our workshop videos and presentations
On April 19th and 20th, the NZFDI partnered the University of Canterbury School of Forestry to run a two-day workshop: Ground durable eucalypts: Protecting and Enhancing Value.
Workshop videos and powerpoint presentations are available here.
Around 55 people attended the workshop. The high-calibre participants included Swedish, Austrian and Chinese scientists and forest industry representatives. International speakers traveled from Australia and Japan, while a USA scientist presented via a Skype link.
The first day comprised a series of presentations at the Marlborough Research Centre's excellent conference facility in Blenheim. On the second day, participants visited a NZDFI trial site on Marlborough District Council land at Craven's Road. Here they saw science being put into practice, as the site is a Eucalyptus bosistoana breeding trial site. University of Canterbury PhD student Jackley Li also demonstrated the sophisticated coring tool developed to enable cores to be taken from thousands of young trees. The cores are then tested for extractives content, potentially a guide to future durability of the timber.

Clemens and core
Participants also visited Nelson Pine Industries laminated veneer lumber (LVL) plant in Richmond, Nelson, where eucalypt veneer has been trialled as a component of LVL.
Videos of all Day 1 presentations, plus pdfs, are available here. Conference proceedings will also be produced in due course.
Thanks go our sponsors: MPI, AGMARDT, Neil Barr Farm Forestry Foundation, the Specialty Wood Products Partnership, and the Marlborough Research Centre.