Trial Site Name: Tect Park

Owner/Manager: Western Bay of Plenty District Council


The Tect Park trial site is opposite Adrenalin Forest, Tect All Terrain Park. Tect Park is off SH36, 29km from Tauranga, 27km from Rotorua and 30km from Te Puke.

Trials established

Species Demonstration trial (2011): E argophloia, E bosistoana, E cameldulensis, E cladocalyx, E eugenoides, E globoidea, E longifolia, E machrorhyncha, E quadrangulata, E tricarpa

The trial site

The site pre-planting (2011)

Inspecting the site pre-planting (2011)


Located by Tect Park's Adrenalin Forest, this trial is open to the public.

Located by Tect Park's Adrenalin Forest, this trial is open to the public.


Some species thriving despite weed competition (2105)

Some species are thriving despite weed competition (March 2015)

More good growth.

More good growth @ 4 years (March 2015).

While some species struggle in the conditions at Tect Park (March 2015).

Some species struggle in the conditions at Tect Park (March 2015).

Site description

The Tect Park trial is on a pine cut-over site, and is elevated and exposed, with relatively high rainfall amongst our trial sites.

Site climate

Annual rainfall 2260 mm
Frost free days 268
Feb max temp 21° C
July min temp 3° C
Elevation 460m asl
Aspect Flat



Latest Activities

Trial site analyses

Permanent Sample Plots (PSPs) at the Tect Park site were measure in the summer of 2016. Initial data analyses are available below:

Tect Park Trial Hgt Analysis 2011 Demo (1) Feb-16


Pruning workshops

Two pruning workshops have been held at Tect Park; the first in 2013, and the second in 2016,  as part of our MPI Sustainable Farming Fund project.

Ken Scott of Lakeside Products Ltd contributed to the first workshop, demonstrating various tools and pruning techniques.

Early form pruning is a crucial aspect of managing ground-durable eucalypts, ensuring the development of a single, straight stem in crop trees. Read more about form pruning.

Pruning workshop

Access to the site:

The site is open to the public.You are welcome to visit at any time.


A report on the potential for E globoidea in the Bay of Plenty Region was prepared by consultants Ian Nicholas and Paul Millen in 2012: Eucalyptus globoidea - a durable hardwood for planting in the BoP region

In addition, a full report on the  establishment of the Tect Park trial site is available:  NZDFI Durable Eucalypt Trial -Tect Park, BoP - Establishment report