Trial Site Name: Macbeth


Robb Macbeth

Robb Macbeth at Macbeth trial site

“The block in question is a steep, north facing, erosion prone, infertile, dry hill country block with skeletal soils (and Nasella tussock). Past use included one to two grazings per year by sheep, so removing it from the farm was not going to significantly affect the stocking rate or profitability.

As the block sits just behind our house, and is next to some highly eroded land, we thought it would be prudent to have it in forest rather than pasture, to avoid any future slippage during storms. Given the site characteristics and my interest in eucalypts it was a small step from planting a trial site at Phoebe Plains (5kms away) to doing the same on this site, albeit with a bit of a different species mix.

We also wanted to plant something that had a higher value potential end use, and could potentially be harvested selectively rather than clear-felled. They will also look a lot nicer in a drought than dry hill country pasture!"

Robb Macbeth


Leamington – 10kms West of Cheviot Township in North Canterbury

Trials established

  1. Species Demonstration trial (2014): E argophloia, E bosistoana, E camaldulensis, E cladolcalyx, E globoidea, E longifolia, E macrorhyncha, E quadrangulata, E tricarpa

Photos of trial site

The site pre-planting, located directly behind the farm house.

The site pre-planting, located directly behind the farm house.

One year after planting (1)

One year after planting (1)

One year after planting (2)

One year after planting (2)

Site description

A steep, north facing, erosion prone, infertile, dry hill country site with skeletal soils (and Nasella tussock), of low value in terms of farm production.

Site climate

Annual rainfall 809 mm
Frost free days 210
Feb max temp 22° C
July min temp 0° C
Aspect North
Elevation 230 m asl


Visiting the site

This trial is on private land. Please contact Paul Millen for more details: