NZDFI has been working since 2008 to produce improved durable eucalypts - trees that grow fast and straight, with a high volumes of durable heartwood, and  that are suitable for a range of end uses.  The first generation of these XyloGene-branded trees are available for growers now. 

The NZDFI breeding programme is guided by a breeding plan, and at its core is our network of breeding and demonstration trials. Propagation of planting material at commercial scale is another key  activity.

Genetics and Tree Improvement Research

NZDFI’s major long-term focus is the continuing production of superior genetic material for large-scale deployment, leading to the establishment of a major new hardwood resource in New Zealand. Our approach is based on applying rigorous well-proven scientific methods, combined with innovative technology.

Our latest Breeding Research Plan (2017) is available here.

How it all fits together: overview of the NZDFI tree improvement programme

NZDFI Breeding Plan

The NZDFI Science Team is building on the techniques and knowledge developed over decades of international tree breeding work with radiata pine and other forestry species.

There is a lot of genetic diversity in all tree species so significant gains in selected traits are possible. NZDFI is making rapid gains by extensive sampling of our large collection of tree breeding populations and then working to a tightly-focused strategy.