Since its foundation in 2008, a fundamental part of NZDFI’s work has been to establish a network of trials.

Two types of trials combine to form the total trial network:

  1. Breeding trials – trials which contain the base breeding populations of the species identified as having most early potential to be the basis of a durable hardwood industry in New Zealand. These species are primarily E. bosistoana and E. globoidea  but with three further species initially planted as breeding populations
  2. Demonstration trials – trials comprising a broader range of species. Eleven different species were initially selected for testing in New Zealand conditions.

The genetic origin of every tree planted in NZDFI trials is known and recorded in our Katmandoo meta-database. Individual trees from every family are carefully labelled: every trial tree can be tracked from the nursery to its planting site. Our site maps provide a record of the exact planting location of every tree. This genetic information and tracking is an essential element of NZDFI’s tree-improvement programme.