A key strength of NZDFI’s project is our network of over 30 demonstration trials. These trials are hosted by private and other landowners, many of whom contribute significantly to their establishment and maintenance. We are extremely grateful for their support. 

Demonstration trials: objectives and species

All eleven of NZDFI’s selected species are included in these trials, although not all species are planted in all trials. The trials have been planted in several tranches since 2008, with main plantings in 2011-2014, 2018, and 2021.

  • E. argophloia           Western white gum
  • E. bosistoana           Coast grey box
  • E. camaldulensis     Red river gum
  • E. cladocalyx            Sugar gum
  • E. eugenioides         Thin-leaved stringy bark
  • E. globoidea             White stringybark
  • E. longifolia              Woollybutt
  • E. macrorhyncha    Red stringybark
  • E. notabilis               Blue Mountains mahogany
  • E. quadrangulata    White-topped box gum
  • E. tricarpa                Red ironbark

NZDFI Demonstration trials planted 2011-2018

The trials' purpose is to test the productivity and adaptability of NZDFI's selected species across a wide range of environments. Initially our preferred trial locations were areas which we had identified as being amongst New Zealand's most drought-prone - Marlborough, the Wairarapa, Hawke's Bay and Gisborne/East Coast. As time has gone on, we have extended the geographical range of our trials significantly.

In 2023 we evaluated data collected from the permanent sample plot (PSP) network in our demonstration trials. The results of this evaluation are reported in the next section.