Key references (non-NZDFI)

The following references by a range of authors external to NZDFI have all underpinned or contributed to the work of the NZDFI since the early days of the first durable eucalypt trials in Marlborough (2003).

  • Breeding/propagation
 Bush D and McCarthy K (2009)  Scope for genetic improvement of natural durability in low rainfall eucalypts for vine trellis posts  RIRDC Publication No 09/012, ACT, Australia  45 pp
  • Establishment, silviculture and health
 Bird P.R (2000)  Farm forestry in southern Australia: a focus on clearwood production of specialty timbers  Agriculture Victoria, Victoria, Australia 268 pp.
 McKenzie, H M. (1993)  Growing durable hardwoods - a research strategy  New Zealand Journal of Forestry Volume 38 (3) November 1993, Pp 25-27
 McConnochie, R M, Low, C B, Nicholas, I D, Dungey, H S. (2008)  Evaluation of the stringybark group and other eucalypt species  Unpublished report, Scion
Nicholas, Ian (2011) Eucalyptus globoidea  New Zealand Dryland Forests Initiative Durable Eucalypt Leaflet Series No. 1
 Nicholas, Ian (2011)  Eucalyptus bosistoana  New Zealand Dryland Forests Initiative Durable Eucalypt Leaflet Series No. 3
 Nicholas, I D; Hay, A E (2003)  Stringybark Eucalypts in New Zealand - what potential?  In "Australasian Forestry - a strategic vision" Eds E. Mason & C.J. Perley, Proceedings ANZIF Conference, 27 April - 1 May 2003, Queenstown, NZ
 Shelbourne, C J A, Bulloch, B T, Low, C B, McConnochie, R M. (2002)  Performance to age 22 years of 49 eucalypts in the Wairarapa district, New Zealand, and review of results from other trials  New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 32(2) Pp 256-278
  • Properties and processing
 Australian Standard  Australian Standard for Timber Grading (3818.4) Part 4: Cross-arms for overhead lines  Council of Standards Australia
Jones, T G, McConnochie, R M, Shelbourne, C J A, Low, C B. (2010) Sawing and grade recovery of 25-year-old Eucalyptus fastigata, E. globoidea, E. muelleriana and E. pilularis New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 40, 19-31
McConnochie, R M,Low, C B (2007) Eucalypt Species Wood Properties and Sawing Study Eucalypts For High Value Timber Conference, 9-12 October 2007
 McGavin, R.L (2016)  Analysis of small-log processing to achieve structural veneer from juvenile hardwood plantations  PhD thesis, University of Melbourne 2016
 Page D and Singh T (2014)  Durability of New Zealand-grown timbers  NZ Journal of Forestry (58) No. 4, pp 26-30
Taylor et al (2002) Hardwood formation and natural durability: a review Wood and Fibre Science 2002 (34) p587-611
  • Products and markets
 Dunn A (2011)  Australian outdoor timber and infrastructure markets  Forest and Wood Products Australia report, Project PRA 213-1011
 Grealy, M (2008)  Markets for wood products from durable hardwood sawlog plantations  In Plantation Eucalypts for High-Value Timber: Enhancing investment through research and development.  RIRDC Publication No. 08/113, July 2008. Eds. AG Brown & CL Beadle.
 Tan B.K (2009)  Study on the Usage of Wooden Poles and Crossarms in the New Zealand Electricity Network Industry  BSc Hons (Forestry) dissertation, University of Canterbury School of Forestry 2009