Trial Site Name: Clifton


Clifton Forestry Partnership (Roger and Sandra Clifton)

Cliftons picture

“We approached NZDFI to offer a trial site in a different location with different climatic conditions. We are enthusiastic about durable eucalypts since we want to see some diversification in NZ forestry. Having worked in the power industry we understand the lack of supply of quality durable hardwood timber.

We see this timber as having a vital role in the future especially should controls be put on softwood treatments and with the issues associated with dumping of CCA-treated timber.

We are pleased to not only support NZDFI but also are growing these timbers as we personally believe there is a solid future for this type of sustainable chemical-free timber in many industries in NZ."

Roger and Sandra Clifton


Below Mount Campbell, Motueka at an elevation of over 450m.

Trials established

  1. Initial mini-trial (2013): E. argophloia, E. cladocalyx, E. bosistoana, E. globoidea, E. camaldulensis, E. macrorhyncha, E. tricarpa
  2. Species Demonstration trials (2014): E bosistoana, E camaldulensis, E cladolcalyx, E globoidea, E longifolia, E macrorhyncha, E quadrangulata, E tricarpa

Latest activities and outputs

June 2015: This site is unusual because of its high altitude (500 metres above sea level), and exposure. The young trees have been protected from rabbits and hares using individual shelters, and these have done a good job in helping the trees get established.

Photo Gallery

Cliftons site pre-planting

Cliftons site pre-planting

E cladocalyx planted at 500 metres

E cladocalyx planted at 500 metres

Small group planting, 2013

Small group planting, 2013

Roger with 2-yr old E globoidea (2013 plantings)

Roger with 2-yr old E globoidea (2013 plantings)

2014 plantings in May 2015

2014 plantings in May 2015

Site description

The trial is on an ex beef and hay farm which is being converted into forest farming. The trial site is on flat land with northerly facing aspect but exposed to southerly winds, some strong, off the Nelson Western Ranges. The soil is a 300mm layer of relatively fertile soil on top of granite sands (separation point soils). Rabbits and hares are a problem but the use of tree-protectors has provided a 95% + survival to-date.

Site climate

Annual rainfall 1440 mm
Frost free days 264
Feb max temp 20° C
July min temp 0° C
Aspect Flat
Elevation m asl 470


Access to the site

The site is on private land. Contact Paul Millen for more details: