Growing regimes: more details

NZDFI has identified four potential growing regimes for durable eucalypts, to suit different owner objectives and site types. Two regimes focus on timber production, and two are permanent forest cover regimes. The main production regimes are based on known anticipated markets in NZDFI’s target regions.


1.  Peeler pole plantations

On flat-to-easy sites, a short rotation system with mechanised clear felling to produce logs for peeling from around age 20 years (durable eucalypt growth rates will vary with site).  Logs could be milled to produce posts directly, or be rotary peeled to produce veneer for use in engineered wood products;  peeler cores will be suitable for naturally durable posts and poles for vineyards, horticulture, agriculture, and organic enterprises. Sites need good road access, and to be within economic transport distance to markets.

2. Peeler log/sawlog plantations

On hillier sites, plantations can be grown to produce large sawlogs with harvest at around 25 to 40 years. These logs will be suitable for sawing to produce high value durable hardwood products including posts and poles, cross-arms, decking, sleepers, outdoor furniture etc. They will also be suitable for peeling to produce veneer for engineered wood products. Timber for on-farm use could be another option.

Sites need good road access, and to be within economic transport distance to markets.


N.B: some sites may provide the opportunity to combine the above two regimes, with one or more production thinnings of small logs for post and pole markets, leaving a sawlog crop to mature later on. Growers will need to experiment and find a regime which suits their particular circumstances.


3. Permanent forests

Permanent forests will suit very steep, highly erodible and remote sites where eucalypts will deliver benefits of carbon sequestration, pollen and nectar production, and a resilient forest of species adapted to climate change. No harvesting is ever envisaged from these forests.

4. Continuous cover forests

Harvesting would be limited to individual trees or small-coupe systems using small scale harvesting equipment and on-site portable sawmilling. Eucalypts are well suited to this form of management as they can readily coppice and regenerate from seed within a mixed age stand following harvest. These forests will produce timber as well as biodiversity, soil conservation, amenity and carbon benefits.

Summary: NZDFI's four recommended growing regimes