NZDFI's work is underpinned by a rigorous scientific approach, and significant investment in research. NZDFI's Science Team is led by scientists at the University of Canterbury's School of Forestry. 

Four main themes dominate our research:

NZDFI research and development strategy

Our research and development strategy is to:

(i) continue to improve the genetics of our commercially available XyloGene planting stock

(ii) provide robust information to growers on optimising the economic potential of ground-durable eucalypts on their land.

There is a need for product and market information, access to well-characterised superior genotypes, help with matching species to the right sites, predictions of forest growth and yield that include information about volumes of different products that might be grown on those sites, and reduced risk of failure due to clear guidelines for protection of crops from insects and diseases.  Our four distinct research streams in these areas are closely linked.

The NZDFI Science Team is led by Associate Professor Dr Clemens Altaner, a wood scientist at the School of Forestry.

Working with Associate Professor Altaner are a number of academic colleagues, a cohort of international PhD research students, and technical staff. Masters and undergraduate students also contribute to our research and development work. Proseed NZ is a significant contributor to NZDFI's tree breeding and propagation research.