Trial Site Name: Atkinson


Heather, Ian and Sophie Atkinson


"Why plant eucalypts on our organic farm?"

  • Self sufficiency in ground durable post and timber needs
  • Can be milled on farm
  • Short rotation – post thinning @ 12 -15 years & harvest at 23+ years
  • Cope well in dry east coast climate
  • Manageable maintenance
  • Food source for bees & enhanced biodiversity in farming system
  • Facilitates compliance to international markets

    "Ground-durable eucalypts eliminate the need for CCA treatment and eliminate a waste stream to landfill. They provide a solution to an industry problem – for horticulture, viticulture & pastoral farming."

    Heather Atkinson
  • Location:

    South Wairarapa.

    Trials established

    1. Breeding Population/Progeny trial (2011): E globoidea

    Latest activities and outputs

    March 3rd 2015: The E globoidea breeding population was thinned for the first time to give what will become our seed-producing trees more space to grow. We also took a number of biscuits from cut stems. These will go to the School of Forestry where the properties of the newly formed heartwood will be tested.

    Photo gallery

    Thinning the E globoidea breeding trial, March 2015

    Thinning the E globoidea breeding trial, March 2015

    The E globoidea trial post-thinning

    The E globoidea trial post-thinning

    Heartwood formation

    Heartwood formation

    Collecting heartwood samples for testing

    Collecting heartwood samples for testing

    Site description

    The Atkinson farm is a mixed organic farm, with sheep, beef, deer and some cropping. The land is flat to rolling; the trial is planted on a steeper sidling.

    Site climate

    Annual rainfall 1015 mm
    Frost free days 283
    Feb max temp 21° C
    July min temp 4° C
    Aspect East
    Elevation m asl 60


    Access to site

    This site is on private land. Contact Paul Millen for more information: