Trial Site Name: Trimble


Montfort Trimble Foundation (Chairman: Andy Pottinger)

Andrew P 003

“We like the idea of ground-durable eucalypts because we have a very long-term vision for our land. We want to manage and care for our land in perpetuity, and produce timber that is durable and has lots of different end-uses. The environmental credentials of ground-durable eucalypts definitely fit with our vision.

At Trimble we host a number of trials, and we were pleased when we were approached to host one of the NZDFIs. We’ve had some successes and some failures amongst the eucalypts to date, so we are learning as we go."

Andy Pottinger, Chairman, Montfort Trimble Foundation


Rewanui Forest Park, Masterton-Castlepoint Road, nr Masterton.

Trials established

  1. Breeding Population/Progeny trial (2011): E quadrangulata
  2. Species Demonstration trials (2011): E bosistoana, E cameldulensis, E cladocalyx, E eugenoides, E longifolia, E machrorhyncha, E quadrangulata

Latest activities and outputs

March 14th 2015 The E quadrangulata breeding population was thinned for the first time to give what will become our seed-producing trees more space to grow.

Photo Gallery

Thinning E quadrangulata breeding trial, March 2015

Thinning E quadrangulata breeding trial, March 2015

March 2015 - thinning E quadrangulata breeding trial

March 2015 - thinning E quadrangulata breeding trial

March 2015, post-thinning

March 2015, post-thinning

September 2011 - newly planted

September 2011 - newly planted

February 2012 - six months after planting

February 2012 - six months after planting

February 2013

February 2013

Site description

Rewanui is an ex- sheep and beef farm. The trial is located on flat terraces, reasonably exposed to the prevailing north-westerly and poorly drained in places.

Site climate

Annual rainfall 999 mm
Frost free days 258
Feb max temp 22° C
July min temp 3° C
Aspect Flat


Date Planted