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The NZDFI aims to develop robust growth models for its select species. These models will enable growers to predict likely performance of species on their sites under different silvicultural regimes. In collaboration with the University of Canterbury and Scion, we aim to develop early models for E. globoidea and E. quadrangulata by 2017, with other species to follow.
A network of Permanent Sample Plots
NZDFI’s Science Team has established over 100 Permanent Sample Plots (PSPs) across a wide range of our breeding and demonstration trials.
Regular measurement of individual trees in the PSPs will continue throughout the life of the trials. The demonstration trials, and PSPs within them, will be managed under a range of pruning and thinning regimes. Data collected will enable us to develop models to provide guidance to growers on how best to site and manage any given species on a particular site.
Developing a geo-referenced database
Scientists are using innovative information technology, including integrated GPS surveying, GIS mapping, and remote data capture. The exact geographic location, species and genetic composition of each individual tree is recorded. Meteorological and other physical data is also being captured at trial sites with PSPs. The geo-data base being developed will allow spatial analysis and interpretation of trials to analyse differences:
(i) between trees, species and genotypes and
(ii) between plots, sites and regions.