The Durable Eucalypt Forum is an independent Australia/New Zealand collaborative group comprising durable eucalypt growers, timber processors and retailers, and people involved in research and development.

Australian members, all based in south-eastern Australia, have been processing, marketing and utilising durable eucalypt timbers for decades but have little experience in breeding or plantation establishment and management. The opposite is true for New Zealand members, so there are many reciprocal lessons to be learrned. Australian members include representatives of the following innovative growers and processors:

The Durable Eucalypt Forum visit Proseed NZ

The group has regular meetings: most recently they visited NZDFI trials and seed production facilities in Canterbury and Marlborough. NZDFI is very keen to strengthen collaborative relationships with our friends 'across the ditch', with a view to undertaking joint research projects as well as learning from each others' breeding, growing, and processing enterprises.

In addition, we are fostering links with the National Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia.