E. quadrangulata: information for growers

Eucalyptus quadrangulata  (White-topped box) is a very fast early grower which produces Class 2 durable timber.  It is suited to fertile, moist sites. NZDFI has successfully proven its potential as a component of laminated veneer lumber (LVL). 

Site requirements

  • Frost tolerance: Minus 6 degrees
  • Rainfall min and max:  1000 - 2500 mm/year
  • Soil type/drainage: Prefers fertile well drained soils; grows well on a wide range of soils except skeletal and stony soils
  • Wind tolerance: Suited to sheltered sites only. 

Matching eucalypt species to site is essential for good tree survival and growth. Make sure you know your proposed planting site, then talk to an experienced grower or nurseryman before purchasing trees.


E. quadrangulata buds and flowers.

E quadrangulata buds.

7 yr old E. quadrangulata.











Establishment and silviculture

Follow our establishment guidelines for good establishment success.

E. quadrangulata may require some form pruning. Fast early growth means this should be done at age 1-2 years. Little clearwood pruning should be necessary if growing post and pole wood. For high quality sawlogs, some clearwood pruning at an early age may be necessary.

Read our form-pruning guidelines and watch some videos.

Pest and disease threats

E. quadrangulata is susceptible to two pests currently found in New Zealand, paropsis beetle and Eucalypt Variegated Beetle (EVB). However, despite regular annual insect browsing on sosme sites, the species appears to recover well and maintain good  growth rates.

 Timing of flowering/potential to support bees

E. quadrangulata flowers in late summer/autumn.

Timber properties and markets


  • Class 2 in-ground and above-ground durability (Australian Durability Standard AS 5604)
  • In ground life expectancy: 15 -  25 years
  • Above ground life expectancy: 15 - 40 years
  • Resistant to both lyctid borer and termites.

Note:  Durability is a complex parameter; NZDFI’s research into heartwood formation will improve our understanding of factors determining durability.


  • Heartwood and sapwood is pale yellow brown
  • Moderately fine texture with straight grain


Structural uses, poles and posts, crossarms, railway sleepers, vineyard and fence posts.

NZDFI have also been researching the potential for E. quadrangulata  as a component of laminated veneer lumber (LVL).

More information

Natural range

E. quadrangulata's natural range is the coast and adjacent ranges of New South Wales and Queensland.









Cultivation in New Zealand

E quadrangulata was selected for the NZDFI breeding programme based on its high durability and very fast good early growth in NZDFI trial plantings in Marlborough.

Historically there is very limited experience of growing E. quadrangulata in New Zealand. It has been established on sites from Northland to Marlborough and shown excellent early growth.

The best trees exhibit excellent form.

It is performing well in early NZDFI trials (2003-04 plantings) in Marlborough, and various other NZDFI trial plantings.

Genetic improvement of E. quadrangulata by the NZDFI

E quadrangulata is one of the species selected for NZDFI's  breeding programme, but prgress has been slowed by the fact that the species is late to flower and produce seed compared to other NZDFI species.

There had been no genetic improvement of E quadrangulata before being selected by NZDFI.

Read more about our breeding programme here.

Wood properties

The following wood properties relate to Australian native timber. Data for NZ plantation timber are not yet available.

  • Density: 1030 kg/cubic metre
  • Stiffness: 18 Gpa.