E. macrorhyncha: information for growers

Eucalyptus macrorhyncha (Red stringybark) is a versatile species which grows well with good form and survival across a wide range of site types. It is notable for its tolerance of cold, dry conditions. It is also very tolerant of insect pests, and has a light crown, so has potential for agroforestry. It produces class 2-3 pink/brown heartwood.

Growing Eucalyptus macrorhyncha

Site requirements

  • Frost tolerance: Minus 8 degrees.
  • Rainfall min and max:  500 - 1000 mm/year. Prefers low humidity regions.
  • Soil type/drainage: Suited to a wide range of soils except skeletal and stony soils.
  • Wind tolerance: One of the more wind-tolerant durable eucalypts (all eucalypts grow better on sheltered sites).

Matching eucalypt species to site is essential for good tree survival and growth. Based on results from NZDFI trials and Australian experience, E. macrorhyncha is a versatile species which performs well across a range of site-types, including colder sites, and therefore extends the range of suitable sites for durable eucalypts.

Establishment and silviculture

Follow our establishment guidelines for good establishment success

E. macrorhyncha has shown good survival and early growth on most sites: exceptions are where waterlogging and severe frost has struck newly planted seedlings.

An analysis of E. macrorhyncha's performance in NZDFI trials was completed in 2023. Read the report here.

The species requires form pruning. Little clearwood pruning should be necessary as E macrorhyncha is generally self-pruning. It has a very light crown; grass growth can continue under the canopy so stands can be managed for grazing.

Read our form-pruning guidelines and watch some videos.

Pest and disease threats

E. macrorhyncha has proved to be highly tolerant to browsing insects and possums in NZDFI's trials to date.

A review of Pests and Diseases of E. macrorhyncha undertaken for NZDFI is available.

Timing of flowering/potential to support bees

Flowering may begin in some trees from age 5 years. It flowers in autumn, producing useful nectar and pollen for bees and native birds.

Growth models for E. macrorhyncha

There are no New Zealand growth models for E. macroryncha. Permanent Sample Plots in NZDFI’s trial network are measured regularly, so we have the potential to produce an E. macrorhnycha growth model in future.





Collecting seed from E. macrorhyncha, Marlborough, 2023.

12-year-old Eucalyptus macrorhyncha.

Stringybark panelling. Darker boards are E. macrorhyncha.

Eucalyptus macrorhyncha heartwood.

Timber properties and markets

E. macrorhyncha produces a pink-brown heartwood of moderate durability.


Note:  Durability is a complex parameter; NZDFI’s research into heartwood formation will improve our understanding of factors determining durability.


  • Heartwood is brown/pink
  • Sapwood is pale brown/pink
  • Moderately fine texture with straight grain.

Wood properties

A recent study by the School of Forestry investigated the wood properties of 18-year-old New Zealand-grown E. macrorhyncha:

The study concluded that:

  • basic density of the young NZ-grown E. macrorhyncha timber was lower than the reported values for the Australian old-growth resource (in line with other species).  Basic density of the cores taken from the Waikakaho stand varied between 424 -640 kg/m3.
  • collapse was present and comparable to that of NZ-grown E. globoidea timber. There were significant differences in collapse between E. macrorhyncha provenances.
  • high collapse coincided with high extractive content.


As it is only moderately durable in-ground, the timber is most suited to above-ground exterior applications e.g. cladding, fencing rails, decking. Its warm rich colours make the timber suitable for internal panelling and lightweight furniture.

NZDFI anticipates E.macrorhyncha will be suited as a component of high strength engineered wood products such as laminated veneer lumber (LVL) and cross laminated timber (CLT).

More information

Natural range

E. macrorhyncha has one of the widest natural distributions of the stringybarks, being found on the western and southern slopes of Australia’s Great Dividing Range in New South Wales and on northern slopes and foothills throughout inland Victoria. It is adapted to a wide range of climates including winter frost and snow at higher altitudes to summer droughts and heatwaves in lowland regions.

Cultivation in New Zealand

There are few known mature stands of E. machrorhyncha in New Zealand. It was included in NZDFI’s trial network because of its potential to grow well on dry, cold, exposed sites and sites with higher rainfall. E. macrorhyncha extends the climatic range at which durable eucalypts can be considered as a land-use option.

Genetic improvement of E.macrorhyncha by NZDFI

E. macrorhyncha is in the second tier of species selected by NZDFI for genetic improvement. A seedling seed stand was planted in 2005 in Marlborough. The species is well represented in NZDFI’s trial network, being successfully planted in 17 demonstration trials  since 2011. The older trials of E. macrorhyncha provide a genetic pool for selecting locally adapted elite trees and seed collected from these trees is available as a commercial seedlot.

Read more about our breeding programme here.